File Information

Variable Information
Variable Position Label Measurement Level Column Width Alignment Print Format Write Format Missing Values
id 1 Questionnaire identification number Scale 6 Right F11 F11
visit.intension 2 Intention of visiting a new masticha shop Nominal 8 Right F11 F11 2, 3, 99
freq.visit 3 Frequency of visit (annually) Ordinal 13 Right F11 F11 0, 9, 99
distance.visit 4 How far would you go to buy something from a Masticha Shop Nominal 13 Right F11 F11 0, 9, 99
natural.products 5 How important is the use of natural products? Ordinal 8 Right F11 F11 0, 9, 99
recycling 6 How imporant is recycling Ordinal 8 Right F11 F11 0, 9, 99
gender 7 Gender Nominal 8 Right F11 F11 0, 9, 99
children 8 Number of children Ordinal 8 Right F11 F11 99, 6
age 9 Age Ordinal 8 Right F11 F11 0, 99
econ.status 10 Economic status (thousand euros per year) Ordinal 8 Right F8 F8 99, 0, 4
prev.knowledge 11 Scale of previous knowledge regarding the shop and the related products Ordinal 8 Right F8 F8 99
shop.image 12 Scale regarding the image and appearance of the shop Ordinal 8 Right F8 F8 999
product.variety 13 Scale regarding the variety of products Ordinal 8 Right F8 F8 999 14 Scale measuring the intention to buy from the shop Ordinal 8 Right F8 F8 999 15 Total of the receipt (in euros) Ordinal 8 Right F8.2 F8.2
items 16 Total number of purchased items Ordinal 8 Right F8 F8
Variables in the working file

Variable Values
visit.intension 0 NO
freq.visit 1 1-2 times per week
2 2-3times per month
3 1 time per month
4 4-5 times per year
5 Rarely
distance.visit 1 Only if it is close
2 In a close region
3 I will try to visit no matter how far it is
natural.products 1 not important
2 not so important
3 indifferent
4 important
5 very important
recycling 1 not important
2 not so important
3 indifferent
4 important
5 very important
gender 1 Male
2 Female
age 1 15-20
2 20-25
3 25-30
4 30-35
5 35-40
6 40-45
7 45-50
8 50-55
9 55-60
10 60-65
11 65 και πάνω
econ.status 1 Low (0-10)
2 Medium (10-20)
3 High (over 20)