Ph.D. Students
of Ph.D. dissertation,
Department of Statistics, AUEB,
dated by time of completion/defense:
M.Sc. Students
of M.Sc. dissertations, Department of Statistics, AUEB,
listed by time of completion/defense:
- George Makatis [June 1997]:
On the scaling properties of spatially averaged rain fields.
- John Gritsis [August 1997]:
On the probability distribution of the duration of dry and wet spells in
processes of spatially averaged rain rate.
- Constantinos Boukouvalas [June 1998]:
Model selection based on a Bayes factor
criterion for discretely observed diffusion processes.
- Demetra Pinotsi [August 1998]:
Nonparametric diagnosis of parametric coefficients in a diffusion model
for processes of spatially averaged rain rate.
- Demetrios Podiotis [August 1999]:
Application of integer valued stochastic processes to modeling
and predictition of fractional area where rain
intensity exceeds a given threshold level.
- Sofia Thanou [July 2002]:
Spectral analysis of point processes associated with intermittence and
extremes of regional rainfall.
- Stylianos Stavridis [July 2003]:
A diagnostic study on long-memory properties of regional rainfall
- Miltiadis Peponoulas [April 2004]:
On diffusion processes and their statistical inference: A review.
- Vana Kamilatou [September 2005]:
Modelling quantiles of rain rate in perspective
of spatial scaling.
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