Saturday May 9, 2015

Math Dept, University of Athens


Following the success of the first and second APrOC meetings, we are again organizing this year
ʼs one-day event, centered around three top-quality talks in probability and its interface with other active areas of current research activity. The main aim is to bring together all near-Athens-based researchers in probability and related areas of mathematics and applications.


All interested faculty, post-docs and students are welcome and are encouraged to attend


The talks are intended for a general (math/stat) audience and will be accessible to students without particular expertise in the specific areas of the topics discussed. Also, there will be ample time for free interaction and discussion between the participants.


All talks will take place in room AMΦ24, on the 2nd floor of the Mathematics Dept building on the University of Athens campus [map]. A collection of campus maps together with information on how to get there can be found here.



Amir Dembo

(Stanford University)

Statistical Mechanics on Sparse Random Graphs: Mathematical Perspective


coffee break

coffee break


Alexandros Beskos


Sequential Monte Carlo methods: some Developments and Applications





   Agelos Georgakopoulos

(University of Warwick)

Group Walk Random Graphs


There is NO registration fee and everyone interested is welcome to participate. But we ask, for planning purposes, that you please let us know that you plan to attend by sending an email to one of the three organizers


Dimitris Cheliotis (ΕΚΠΑ)

Ioannis Kontoyiannis (ΟΠΑ)

Michalis Loulakis (ΕΜΠ)

 or, preferably, to: